About me

Karina Zawadzka is a visual artist. She has an MA in Fine Arts specializing in Photography and Video.
In her works, she shows her interest in nature, femininity, and human existence. She also builds her stories using the language of dance. In her projects, she also creates the world using her set design skills and creating sets and costumes, giving her works originality and her own aesthetics.


2016 - 2019
Bachelor of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw,
Graphic design

2020 - 2022
Master of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk,
Intermedia, specialization in Photography


"Bodies of Water", Master's diploma Academy of Fine Arts, Gdansk
"Anastomosis", OT Rondo Gallery, Słupsk

"Dychotomia-Anastomosis", International Photography Festival Interphoto, Bialystok
"End-of-year", Plenum Elektryków, Gdansk

"Monologues", Bachelor's diploma, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

"Alternative vinyl album covers", Tusz Tusz Art Bistro, Warsaw
"The action and meaning of color", Mińska 65, Warsaw
"Subjective Portrait", Observation Gallery, Warsaw

"The Art Works Exhibition", Prochownia Port Capital City Cultural Education Center, Warsaw
"End-of-year", Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw